Islam, Freedom, and War

Monkey D. Luffy was teaching to all of you that friendship is very important than material. Generally, One Piece is our philosophy to understand most important thing in this life: freedom!

Many people against to other people just wanna freedom. Julius Cesar said, if your desire are freedom, have ready to war! In this article I wanna share to all of you regarding freedom and war, and exposing entire ideas of Islam pertaining to Rahmatan Lil’alamin.

There is no freedom without war. War is the one and only way for freedom. Islam has motto Rahmatan Lil’alamin. Peaceful for all. To realize his motto, Islam has to against with other religions or communities. Because if it doesn’t, rahmatan lil’alamin or freedom for all in the Islamic verse could’t be realized.

Many years ago Islam has been “destroying” Kafeer Quraisy in Arab. From my perspective, the polemic that occurred between Islam and Kafeer Quraisy to proof something that war is very important aspect for freedom. In fact, after fought Kafeer Quraiys, Islam built a system of law in Madina with Judaism community—We called Piagam Madinah. Islam has been changing tradition of Arab on rules of wedding, constitution, state, etc. Consequently, Arab is not Islam, and Islam is not Arab.

Tariq Ramadan, a prominent contemporary Muslim philosopher and thinker from London, ever said in his book, “Faith (iman) is a pledge (amaana).” This sentence from Tariq Ramadan was giving a justifying that war in Islam is amaana because coming from iman.

From war to other war, in the name of iman, in 8th century, Islam has been “demobilizing” two big civilizations in the world: Persia and Romawi. After these, Islam become the greatest civilization ever, and for the first time in history Western falls in the dark age cause Christianity can not made good relation with knowledge. Sir Richard Dawkins babbled in his twitter account, he said “Islam developed by sword…”

Maybe Dawkins’ quote is something right but feels wrong in our perspektive. Of course we can’t accepted Dawkins’ quote because describing Islam as kind of barbaric community than religion of peaceful. But if you read or look for some of books of History of Islam you will find a fact that Islamic Civilization has been growing based on destroying other religions or kingdoms.

Salahuddin al Ayubi and his warriors has been destroying Christian religion who were leaded by Richard ‘Lion Heart’ in Jerussalem. In the other side, Ferdinand who were directed Christian community also ever genocided Muslim community in Spain after seven centuries having power in Andalusia. So, Islam and Christian are two big religions who ever trying to chases each other.

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